The Office of Educational Technology, U.S. Department of Education (USDE), developed a Survey on the Use of Funds Under Title IV, Part A: Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants. It is a tool to help gather information about how states and districts are investing their FY18 and FY19 Title IV-A dollars. The Office of Educational Technology has provided an opportunity for public comments about the sssurvey. The Title IV-A Coalition, a dozen of diverse organizations, wrote in response to the USDE’s request. The organizations have members that utilize the funds to support safe and healthy schools, a well-rounded curriculum, and the effective use of technology. The Coalition believes that the data collection for the Survey on the Title IV-A use of funds is a necessary and proper function of the Department and should be undertaken. Currently, there are no requirements for states or districts to report on the use of funds under Sec. 4001. The collection of this information is absolutely necessary to determine the effectiveness of this grant and to aid the USDE in its proper implementation. The Coalition urges the USDE to gather information related how states and districts are investing their Title IV-A dollars to a) increase access to well-rounded curriculum; b) support safe and healthy students; and c) increase the effective use of technology and data related to specific outcomes associated with the programming supported by Title IV-A.
The U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor passed the Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Act (H.R. 5191) on January 16th . This a critical step to ensuring that more young people experiencing homelessness have a safe place to call home and are able to avoid being trafficked for sex, labor, or both. The original bill was written 40 years ago and reauthorized in 2008. It provides more services, additional funding and longer extended stay for runaway and homeless youth. It must be passed by the Senate.