On November 8, 2022, NAPSA joined 41 other national organizations in signing on to a letter supporting the EDUCATORS for America Act (S 3360/HR 6205), which would invest in and revitalize federal educator preparation programs. That has been sent to all members of the US Congress.

The letter states that there were an estimated100,000 classrooms in 2018 staffed by instructors who did not complete some type of educator preparation program (Learning Policy Institute). Also, despite the increased need for PK-12 teachers, the number of students completing bachelor’s degrees in education has been in decline over the last two decades (AACTE), and this issue has been exacerbated by the pandemic.

In answer to these challenges, the bill ensures that students are taught by fully licensed teachers and authorizes $500 million annually for grants to support states in developing and implementing a statewide strategy for meeting their educator workforce needs, including ensuring an inclusive and equitable workforce that supports the recruitment, preparation, and retention of populations that are underrepresented in the field of education. This includes teachers of color, first generation college students, and teachers with disabilities.

NAPSA’s voice in our nation’s capitol continues to be heard, and is getting louder, due to the ongoing efforts of NAPSA’s Legislative and Public Policy Advisor Dr. Richard Scott.

To read the letter in its entirety, click here.

Those in support of the bill can use an action alert to urge members of Congress to co-sponsor the EDUCATORS for America Act. Access the alert at: https://aacte.org/policy-and-advocacy/action-alerts/educators-for-america/