According to the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), a number of differences exist between students with significant cognitive disabilities who have cortical visual impairment (CVI) and those who have other types of visual impairment. Learn more in NCDB/ATLAS Brief #2, co-produced by the National Center on Deaf-Blindness (NCDB) and Accessible Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Systems (ATLAS). Information in the brief is drawn from a more extensive report, “Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities and Dual Sensory Loss.”

OSEP is also promoting an Early Math Learning and Self-Regulation App. NumberShire™, which is a FREE internet-based educational game with an intensive focus on critical whole number concepts and skills for students in K—2. NumberShire Integrated Tutor System, an OSEP-funded grant, includes an adapted version of the intervention; a renovated data dashboard depicting student performance; a platform linked to implementation; instructional resources that support teachers to make math instruction more explicit in the classroom; and a game-based, self-regulation activity called Math Toss to support the development of behavioral self-regulation skills.

Download the app or learn more here.