Karyn Brown
Karyn Brown

Employer: Spring Grove Area School District

Title: Director of Pupil Services / School Safety & Security Coordinator

What is the most rewarding aspect of your work?

I love the variety of projects in my position. I never want to lose the connection to students. On my worst days, I find myself checking in on an elementary class. No days are ever the same! I enjoy the collaboration within Spring Grove. We bounce stuff off of each other all the time to ensure the message or directive is accurate. In these awkward times, knowing you are not alone in the battle is a gift.

What is the greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member?

Receiving updates in legal cases or newly implemented programming that has been successful in other states provides me with the big picture. NAPSA is the resource to reach out to other districts or states for program recommendations, etc. As a Pupil Services admin, my role is to consider the whole child, including their social emotional needs. It’s wonderful to be able to reach out to colleagues through NAPSA to share ideas.