On June 8, 2023, the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) announced the availability of more than $368 million in new grant opportunities through the Education Innovation and Research (EIR) program and the Teacher and School Leader (TSL) Incentive program that advance investments in teacher recruitment and retention. These investments particularly prioritize promoting educator diversity and career advancement and leadership opportunities for effective educators tied to increased compensation.

As part of its Raise the Bar efforts to boldly improve learning conditions, the USDE is working to eliminate the educator shortage and support the educator workforce. These grant opportunities are part of that effort and specifically invest in teacher leadership and career advancement, improved compensation, and teacher diversity—three key strategies the USDE is utilizing to eliminate educator shortages.

The FY 2023 TSL grant competition is designed to support entities in implementing, improving, or expanding their human capital management, or expanding their performance-based compensation systems. Priorities used in this competition advance the USDE’s goal to eliminate educator shortages, including through effective teacher retention efforts such as career advancement opportunities for teachers and improving teacher diversity. The FY 2023 EIR grant competition funds projects that test, replicate, and scale evidence-based practices, and this year’s competition includes priorities for improving educator recruitment and retention. This includes competitive compensation systems; providing more time for planning and collaboration; increasing access to leadership opportunities that can lead to higher pay and improved retention for fully certified, experienced, and effective educators; and expanding the impact of great teachers within and beyond their classrooms. It also supports improving educator diversity.

Teacher leadership models provide experienced and effective teachers with leadership opportunities that allow them to have a greater impact on their school communities while remaining in the classroom and being compensated for taking on additional responsibilities. These leadership opportunities support academic success for students while creating career ladders that support teacher retention. Increasing the diversity of the educator workforce so that it reflects the diversity of our students is tied to improved student performance and, by expanding the pool of future teachers, is critical to eliminating shortages.

To support applicants in applying for these grant opportunities, the USDEt offers a series of resources, including pre-applicant webinars to provide technical assistance available online at: https://oese.ed.gov/offices/office-of-discretionary-grants-support-services/.

For more information on the FY 2023 EIR competition, visit FY 2023 Competition – Office of Elementary and Secondary Education.

For more information on TSL, visit Teacher and School Leader Incentive Program – Office of Elementary and Secondary Education.